The President's Column

What VMGA Membership Gets You

I’m a joiner. I belong to many organizations and these days most are about horticulture. Years ago, it was Navy Wives Clubs, PTO, Junior Women, Red Cross and being a deacon in our churches, (we moved a lot). I found that these groups became my family when in so many cases my family was several thousands of miles away. I call myself a professional volunteer.

I believe that belonging to a group of people who can agree on the main beliefs of that group can contribute so much to the public and ourselves. Our local groups do this every day, even now in COVID 19. That is all great but if we all join together to share all we do and learn from each other, we then become even greater. It took a group to put on Master Gardener College and our group, VMGA, helped Kathleen Reed, Devon Johnson, and Dave Close.

Our group provides other training and education besides MG College. We have Steward Program for Trees, Water, and Land Care. Also, we do educational programs at other times of the year in different areas of the state. And this year for the first time we are offering sponsorships to Units to help pay for educational events or speakers. We also have a Speakers Bureau too. Master Gardeners are available to come to you to teach on a number of different subjects. Or provide a Zoom Class instead.

Our dues aren’t expensive. It’s $12 per year or $120 for lifetime membership. That is a bargain. You are then eligible for scholarships to MG College (members get preference), discounted prices on our educational events, and a roster of our membership, and our VMGA newsletter.

If you become a member you could become your Unit’s Representative to VMGA. We meet in the even months, the second Saturday in a different location around the State. In June we do the Annual Meeting at College. This of course is in normal times. The best thing is you get together with like minded people and share ideas and raise money for good causes. Our group started an Endowment to support the State Coordinator Position. We are getting there slowly. And again, there are the Scholarships to MG College. They pay for a good percentage of attending an in-person college.

I could go on, but I will end with some of my best reasons, they are the people I have met across the state and who have become my good friends. And we all work together and a part to educate people and help our Environment. Think about it and if you agree it’s a great idea, talk to your Unit Rep or go to and look for the membership tab at the top of the page. Just follow the instructions and soon you can be a member of a larger family of Master Gardeners.

Leslie Paulson

President VMGA