VMGA Speakers Bureau

The Virginia Master Gardener Association is in the process of putting together a list of speakers (Speakers Bureau) who can be contacted for giving a presentation at any event a local organization might want to sponsor. If nothing else, we are hoping to expand your horizons on what might be a suitable topic for Master Gardeners to listen to.

If you have information on any speaker who your group has enjoyed, or any information on a speaker who you think would be a good person talk at a Master Gardener event please contact Erica. The person does not have to be a Master Gardener themselves.

Contact information:

Erica Jones eMail  emjones@vt.edu Phone 540 544 7459. She would like to get the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Geographic location
  • Do they do sessions virtually
  • Topics they would like to talk about.
  • Information about rates they charge
  • Detail on what they are comfortable presenting.

This list will be available to any Master Gardener who requests it.