VMGA Speakers Bureau

VMGA Speakers Bureau

The Virginia Master Gardener Association has put together a list of speakers (Speakers Bureau) who can be contacted for giving a presentation at any event a local organization might want to sponsor. If nothing else, we are hoping to expand your horizons on what might be a suitable topic for Master Gardeners to listen to.

The Speakers list is now on the website. Additional names and topics will be added as they become available.

Each topic page has a form by which a speaker may be requested. The forms go to the Education Chair--who will contact the speaker with the request.

If you have information on any speaker who your group has enjoyed, or any information on a speaker who you think would be a good person talk at a Master Gardener event please contact Erica. The person does not have to be a Master Gardener themselves.

Contact information:

Erica Jones eMail  emjones@vt.edu Phone 540 544 7459. She would like to get the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Geographic location
  • Do they do sessions virtually
  • Topics they would like to talk about.
  • Information about rates they charge
  • Detail on what they are comfortable presenting.