Virginia Master Gardener Association 2025
Diane Relf Extension Master Gardener College
Scholarship Nominations
The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is accepting nominations for the Diane Relf Extension Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2025 Scholarship.
The Scholarship recognizes those volunteers who have demonstrated exceptional potential in their local Units, and it is part of VMGA’s educational mission. It’s awarded to deserving Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) to help them in their continuing education efforts through attendance at EMGC and to increase the number of EMGs able to attend the conference. Any interested active EMG is eligible for nomination; financial need is not a required criterion. (Trainees, interns, and prior VMGA Scholarship recipients are not eligible.) This year’s Scholarships are intended to cover most of the costs to attend EMGC.