State Coordinator Endowment

State Coordinator Endowment

VMGA entered into an agreement with Virginia Tech and Virginia Cooperative Extension to endow the State Master Gardener Coordinator’s position and provide support for the EMG program in Virginia.  Through contributions made to The Virginia Tech Foundation, donors ensure that there will always be funding for the Extension Master Gardener program.  The funding can provide salary for a faculty-level position, salary for other staff, and any funds for other needed support to maintain or enhance EMG programs and services.

Many, many individuals and MG organizations believe in the Endowment and have made gifts over the years.  Our grass roots efforts have been slow but steady.  Donations of cash are now over $480,000and donations of deferred gifts will one day add another $433,000 to the Endowment.

For more information about the Endowment check out these FAQs.

You may view our agreement with the Virginia Tech Foundation here: Agreement.

Donations are made directly to The Virginia Tech Foundation. A form can be downloaded and completed for donations, pledges or other forms of gifts.

For questions about the Endowment, contact VMGA’s Fundraising Chairperson Joe Kelly .
Our representatives at the VT Foundation are:

Hunter Hilbert, Assistant Director of Development. 504.231.6975;

Crystal Graham, Associate Director of Development, Virginia Cooperative Extension at or 540-231-3360.

We thank you in advance for your support of this important initiative!