VMGA Education Events

Native Plant Communities, Large and Small!

VMGA Spring 2025 Continuing Education

Click here to see a recording of the presentations


Virtual: Thursday March 20 6:00-8:30pm




Maddie Bright is the Executive Director at Earth Sangha where she has worked full-time on native plant conservation since 2011. Bright has worked closely with ecologists, botanists, and park managers across the Northern Virginia region on plant conservation and ecological restoration projects over the years. She regularly teaches for Arlington Regional and Fairfax Master Naturalist Chapters.


Bert Harris Ph.D.is the Co-Director of The Clifton Institute, a nature center and research station on 900 acres in Warrenton. Harris researches and develops actionable ecological restoration for landowners, with an emphasis on native plant and animal communities. PhD, University of Adelaide Australia. Adj. Professor at American University and George Mason University.


So, whether a landowner has acreage that they want to restore with a native plant meadow, or a small plot in their yard, Bright and Harris will give you, the Master Gardener, the science and practical knowledge needed to teach the gardening public in your area.

Previous Educational Events:

Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Washington VA


  • Janet Davis owner of Hill House Farm & Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Native Woody Plants,
  • Maddie Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Native Plants and Plant Communities.
  • Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation
  • And an afternoon tour to visit Hill House Nursery,

To learn more and to register click here: Fall 2024 Educational Event 


VMGA Spring Virtual Continuing Education Event 

Saturday May 18, 2024 9:30am – 12:00pm

Conservation Landscaping

The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Bio-Diversity in the Home Garden Soil Ecology – Biodiversity  – Keystone Species

Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David Burke, Research chair of the Holden Arboretum

Concentrating on soil ecology, His presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Ph.D. from Rutgers University.

Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants – Krista De CookeInnovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park.

How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee; MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business.


A recording of this presentation is available by clicking this link

Spring Virtual Event

It is a large file so you may need a faster connection than dialup to enjoy it.

VMGA Continuing Education Day

November 11, 2023

The Nelson Center, 8445 Thomas Nelson Hwy, Lovingston VA 22949

9:00 am to 12:30 pm, with optional lunch and tour to 3:00 pm

Join us to hone your plant disease diagnostic skills that will help you as you volunteer at the Extension Help Desk and Plant Clinic venues!

Co-hosted by the Nelson County Master Gardeners, the lectures will take place in the Nelson Center, site of the Nelson County Extension Office in Lovingston, VA. The optional lunch will be at Saunders Brothers Farm Market. For those interested in an optional bus tour of the Saunders Brothers fields of boxwood, fruit trees and greenhouses of container-grown plants, the tour will depart the Farm Market at 1:30 and last about 90 minutes. Seating on the bus tour is limited so register early!


Plant Problem Diagnosis, Grace Monger, Associate Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Environmental Horticulture

This session will cover the A-B-Cs of plant diagnosis for Extension Master Gardeners and/or Interns. Attendees will learn a standard diagnostic process that can be applied to any plant issue. This lecture will equip EMGs to tackle questions regardless of the plant or pest, where to find reliable information, when to seek professional help, and how to submit samples to the VT Plant Disease Clinic. Our objective for this session is to set EMGs up for success in attending to helpdesk inquiries.

Boxwood – Diagnosing Problems and Efforts to Develop Resistant Varieties and Treatments Pat Reilly, Horticulture Outreach Specialist, Saunders Brothers, Inc.

Like other plants, boxwood have their pests and diseases. Boxwood, though, have been such an important staple in American landscapes that the threats to its health engender more attention. The lecture will focus on the process for diagnosing boxwood diseases, insect damage and abiotic problems. We will also cover an update on blight resistant cultivars and options for treatment.

Plant Phenology Jim Revell, Bedford Extension Master Gardener

How do temperature and moisture levels impact insect populations? What are Degree Days (aka Growing Degree Days) and are they important in relation to insect activity? How are Degree Days calculated? Can Degree Days be effectively incorporated into Integrated Pest Management strategies for the home vegetable gardener (would you like to be able to implement IPM controls to help target insects at their most susceptible life stage)? What is Plant Phenology and its correlation to determining crop planting dates and best times to initiate IPM strategies? Learn about these valuable tools for the home gardener and how these methods can help mitigate problematic insects in your vegetable garden!

Optional bus tour of the hundreds of acres of Saunders Brothers fields of boxwood and fruit trees, and greenhouses of container-grown plants is available for the first 35 registrations that request the tour. Led by Tom Saunders, attendees will see how Saunders Brothers and NewGen Boxwood select and grow outstanding annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees.




Spring Virtual Event

It is a large file so you may need a faster connection than dialup to enjoy it.