Turf Grass Videos—A Lawn to Dye For

Title: Turf Grass Videos–A Lawn to Dye For URL: https://ext.vt.edu/lawn-garden/turfandgardentips/pete-dye/index.html Detail: Pete Dye of The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Virginia Cooperative Extension have produced a series of ten videos on lawn care tips titled “A lawn to Dye for.” Homeowners will learn how to test soil, select grasses, water, mow, fight lawn… Continue reading Turf Grass Videos—A Lawn to Dye For

UCONN Greenhouse IPM Program

Title: UCONN Greenhouse IPM Program URL: http://www.ipm.uconn.edu/pa_greenhouse/ Detail: This is a terrific site for those who have greenhouses. It includes diseases, insects and general IPM. A very educational site.

US Department Of Agriculture

Title: US Department Of Agriculture URL: https://www.usda.gov/ Detail: Something for everybody here. From the patio gardener to the nation’s farmer. Easy to navigate.

USDA Noxious Weeds

Title: USDA Noxious Weeds URL: https://plants.usda.gov/java/noxiousDriver Detail: This site is set up to prevent the introduction of non- indigenous invasive plants within the US. It has a fairly comprehensive list of Fact sheets and weed alerts. You can learn more about “weeds” on this site and it’s links than you probably want to know. Includes… Continue reading USDA Noxious Weeds

Weed Index Virginia Tech

Title: Weed Index Virginia Tech URL: https://weedid.cals.vt.edu/ Detail: Pictures and publications to aid in the identification of common weeds and weed seedlings found in Virginia and the Southeastern U.S.


Title: Windowbox URL: https://www.windowbox.com/ Detail: A wholesale/retail site that has “Dr.Botnic” to answer your gardening questions. Also has feature articles on various topics. Has information and supplies to grow flowers, herbs or vegetables on your porch, patio or windowsill.


Title: Xeriscaping URL: http://www.webcoast.com/xeriscape/ Detail: This site gives a brief history of Xeriscaping Based in Florida; it also includes links and ideas for Water Conservation.