National Gardening Association

Title: National Gardening Association URL: Detail: Covers anything a home gardener, especially a novice, might be looking for. Several children’s links. Also very timely.

The Nature Conservancy

Title: The Nature Conservancy URL: Detail: The Conservancy’s motto is ‘saving the Earth’s Last Great Places for future generations’. A nice site to learn what is being done in conservation.

Ohio State University

Title: Ohio State University URL: Detail: This is the Ohio site for Horticulture and Crop Science. PlantFacts is their database and it is unique in that this database has over 20,000 extension fact sheets.

Pesticide Environmental Stewardship

Title: Pesticide Environmental Stewardship URL: Detail: A new website for pesticide stewardship provides one-stop shopping for anyone who needs to use a pesticide and wants to know how to use it properly. The website contains information about pesticide use, storage, disposal and handling. It also includes downloadable applicator forms and references to federal laws… Continue reading Pesticide Environmental Stewardship

Plant Ideas

Title: Plant Ideas URL: Detail: A commercial site but the content and graphics are excellent. A good source of ideas.

Plants for a Future

Title: Plants for a Future URL: Detail: This UK site bills itself as a resource and information centre for edible and otherwise useful plants. They are a registered charity in the UK but have compiled a plant database of over 7000 species of plants. Their main aim is research and to provide information about… Continue reading Plants for a Future

Plants Toxic to Animals

Title: Plants Toxic to Animals URL: Detail: This is the toxic plants database of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana. Information is helpful to all of those who garden and have pets.

RISE – Pest Facts Information Center

Title: RISE – Pest Facts Information Center URL: Detail: Many interesting and timely articles on pesticides. Includes information on mosquito controls and the West Nile virus. (RISE -Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment.)

Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center

Title: Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center URL: Detail: This is an attractive new site for an attractive new program that purports to be “Building Communities One Garden at a Time.” Our friend and Past President of VMGA, Bill McCaleb is involved with this project in Halifax County. They are building a… Continue reading Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center