Home & Garden Information Center

Title: Home & Garden Information Center URL: https://extension.umd.edu/topics/gardening Detail: This is the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension site. It?s a very clean uncluttered site. It has a links to their Master Gardener program, Bay Issues, invasive Species Alert and their Diagnostics area is a ?WOW?! Definitely worth a click.

Home and Garden TV

Title: Home and Garden TV URL: https://www.hgtv.com/ Detail: I can’t believe I haven’t recommended this site. Maybe because we all know about it? The Gardening section is a really wonderful source of timely topics andÊ has a great search tab. Beautiful images and excellent articles.

Hosta Library

Title: Hosta Library URL: http://hostalibrary.org/ Detail: If you are a HOSTA aficionado, I’ll be surprised if you don’t know about this site. I didn’t go into every page but what I saw was quite educating. Easy to navigate and lots of easy to understand choices.

Hort Therapy

Title: Hort Therapy URL: https://www.ahta.org/ Detail: Information on Human issues in horticulture. American Horticultural Therapy Association site.

Indoor Gardens

Title: indoor Gardens URL: Indoor Gardens Detail: Indoor Gardens is a division of CropKing, a leader in controlled environment agriculture and hydroponics. Although a commercial site, it offers good information on Aquaponics and Greenhouses.

Invasive Plants In Virginia

Title: Invasive Plants In Virginia URL: https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/invspinfo Detail: A link from the Virginia Natural Heritage Program (Department of Conservation and Recreation).

Landscaping With The Spruce

Title: Landscaping With About.Com URL: https://www.thespruce.com/landscaping-4127779 Detail: Another site with Xeriscaping links. This site also has a link to Landscaping 101 and Landscaping How-To?s. It has an extensive database of articles on many gardening topics such as deer resistant plants, pruning, etc.


Title: Maymont URL: https://maymont.org/ Detail: Maymont is a 100-acre historic estate and park, located in Richmond, Virginia, with many unique experiences for all to enjoy. We have all heard about Maymont but if you have never visited there, check out this site. It is a beautiful and easy to navigate site. It will make you… Continue reading Maymont