Garden Guides

Title: Garden Guides URL: Detail: Advertises itself as “a growing resource”. It is full of timely and easy to read information. Good newsletter also.

Gardens Alive

Title: Gardens Alive URL: Detail: The sub title for this site is “Environmentally Responsible Products That Work”. At first I thought this was a comprehensive site to sell organic gardening aids. Once I went deeper into the site, I was impressed. The Comprehensive Pest and Disease Library has very clear pictures and offers totally… Continue reading Gardens Alive

Gardening by the Moon

Title: Gardening by the Moon URL: Detail: This site is all about growing by the phases of the moon. It discusses the lunar phases and astrological signs that influence gardening.

The Gardening Launch Pad

Title: The Gardening Launch Pad URL: Detail: This site name really reflects what you can do here. It launches you in many directions. Although it is based in Austin, Texas, this site has links to gardens all over the world. Here you can find TV/Radio times, Clipart and a Humor section and many short,… Continue reading The Gardening Launch Pad

Gardening With Kids

Title: Gardening With Kids URL: Detail: A very helpful site for helping kids build a lifelong interest in gardening.

Gardening with the Elderly

Title: Gardening with the Elderly URL: Canadian Office of Urban Agriculture Detail: Contains so much information on gardening with disabilities. Has a tremendous number of reference materials. Somewhat dated.

Green Spring Gardens Park

Title: Green Spring Gardens Park URL: Detail: Situated in Alexandria (VA), Green Spring Gardens Park offers plant information sheets and advice basic garden installation and other topics of interest to gardeners.

Growing Degree Days

Title: Growing Degree Days URL: Detail: If you are ever confused about the concept of Growing Degree Days, check this page out. Mike Likins explains the concept and offers an easy method of calculation.

High Country Gardens

Title: High Country Gardens URL: Detail: This site deals with “Plants for the Western Garden”. Quite appropriate for all sections of the country suffering with drought. It has a great section on Xeriscaping. It also has an online ordering section for plant material and other gardening aids. It also features an E-Zine for Xeriscaping.… Continue reading High Country Gardens