Title: The Butterfly House URL: The Butterfly House at Missouri Botanical Garden Detail: This is an attraction in Chesterfield, Missouri. The site offers beautiful pictures of butterflies and information on Butterfly Gardening. Also includes a Plant of the Month.
Category: Garden Queries
Clean Air Gardening
Title: Clean Air Gardening URL: https://www.cleanairgardening.com/ Detail: This is an environmentally friendly lawn and garden supplies site. You can buy push reel mowers, rain barrels, garden gnomes and all sorts of gadgets.
Cossey Botanical Park Arboretum, Fredericksburg, VA
Title: Cossey Botanical Park Arboretum, Fredericksburg, VA URL: http://www.plantsmap.com/organizations/cossey-botanical-park-arboretum Detail: The arboretum was installed by our Stafford Cooperative Extension and is maintained by the our master gardener (MGACRA) chapter.
Digital Diagnostics Image Database
Title: Digital Diagnostics Image Database URL: Oklahoma State University insect and plant disease database Detail: Another easy to use site with information on insects and plant diseases. Quite an extensive database.
Title: Eco-Gardening URL: http://gardening.cals.cornell.edu/ Detail: What a place to visit!! This place has an e-mail service for timely tips. It has Gardening Guides, Fact Sheets on Eco-Gardening, MG links and a link for year round plant activities for people with special needs. A clear, concise, easy to use and has great pictures. Just start at… Continue reading Eco-Gardening
Encyclopedia of Plants
Title: Encyclopedia of Plants URL: https://www.gardenguides.com/ Detail: An easy to use directory of plants makes this site “friendly”. It also has very good drawings and pictures of plants including a directory of leaf shapes. Would be very useful if you needed simple but accurate illustrations for teaching purposes.
Exotic Gardening
Title: Exotic Gardening URL: https://www.exoticgardening.com/ Detail: This website professes to be “The ultimate website for the truly obsessed plant-a-holic”. Includes The Plant Man, Glick Pick of the Week, new product updates and a Garden Encyclopedia.
Extension Publications
Title: Extension Publications URL: https://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/ Detail: Educational Programs and Resources. This will link you to printer-friendly copies of publications from Virginia Tech. You can also link to the Pest Management Guide from here.
Flora of Virginia Project
Title: Flora of Virginia Project URL: http://floraofvirginia.org/ Detail: The first flora since Flora Virginica, published in the mid-1700s. Published in 2012, it is a 1,400-page, state-of-the-art manual describing and aiding in the identification of 3,500 taxa of plants native to Virginia or naturalized here. Since publication, more plants have been added. Recently a Flora App… Continue reading Flora of Virginia Project
Garden Forever
Title: Garden Forever URL: http://www.gardenforever.com/ Detail: Another great site for Horticultural therapy, senior and children’s gardening. “Gardening for people of all ages, abilities and lifestyles.”