Allergy Free Gardening

Title: Allergy Free Gardening URL: Detail: The author of this site, Tom Ogren, is a horticulture professor that got hooked on the idea that the right garden wouldn’t trigger any allergies. A must visit site just for the information alone.

American Community Gardening Association

Title: American Community Gardening Association URL: Detail: This site provides basic information on how to get a community gardening project off the ground. It offers monographs, videos, and publicationsÊ on starting a community garden.

American Horticulture Therapy Association

Title: American Horticulture Therapy Association URL: Detail: This is another Hort therapy site. They offer their publications for a fee but have links to other Hort therapy sites.

American Horticultural Society

Title: American Horticultural Society URL: Detail: The American Horticultural Society offers links to plant societies and information on River Farm.

American Forests

Title: American Forests URL: Forests Detail: American Forests is the nation’s oldest nonprofit citizens conservation organization, founded in1875. Their mission statement sums up their site. “We help people improve the environment with trees and forests. We plant trees.”

Andre Viette

Title: Andre Viette URL: In the Garden Radio Detail: Over 60 radio stations carry “In the Garden Radio” with Mark and Andre Viette. Their website offers gorgeous images and all the wonderful tips given on the radio each Saturday morning . Plus much more information.

BackYard Gardener

Title: BackYard Gardener URL: Backyard Gardener Detail: This is advertised as a one stop informational site. It is loaded with information for about any type of garden or garden problem.

Brent and Becky’s Bulbs

Title: Brent and Becky’s Bulbs URL: Detail: Brent didn’t think that gardeners would have time to be on the computer but Becky convinced him otherwise. Their site is more that an online order point for bulbs, it has basic planting information and true to life images of the plants they offer.