Title: Plant Ideas URL: http://www.plantideas.com/ Detail: A commercial site but the content and graphics are excellent. A good source of ideas.
Author: dfbanks
Plants for a Future
Title: Plants for a Future URL: https://pfaf.org/user/Default.aspx Detail: This UK site bills itself as a resource and information centre for edible and otherwise useful plants. They are a registered charity in the UK but have compiled a plant database of over 7000 species of plants. Their main aim is research and to provide information about… Continue reading Plants for a Future
Plants Toxic to Animals
Title: Plants Toxic to Animals URL: https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/35325 Detail: This is the toxic plants database of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana. Information is helpful to all of those who garden and have pets.
Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Title: Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory URL: https://ag.purdue.edu/btny/ppdl/Pages/default.aspx Detail: Billed as a Plant and Pest diagnostic tool but a site strong on education also.
RISE – Pest Facts Information Center
Title: RISE – Pest Facts Information Center URL: https://www.pestfacts.org/ Detail: Many interesting and timely articles on pesticides. Includes information on mosquito controls and the West Nile virus. (RISE -Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment.)
Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center
Title: Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center URL: http://svbgeec.wixsite.com/svbg Detail: This is an attractive new site for an attractive new program that purports to be “Building Communities One Garden at a Time.” Our friend and Past President of VMGA, Bill McCaleb is involved with this project in Halifax County. They are building a… Continue reading Southern Virginia Botanical Gardens Environmental & Educational Center
State Partners of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
Title: State Partners of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service URL: https://impact.extension.org/search/ Detail: Directory of land grant universities as well as well as websites of the schools of forestry, state extension services and state experimental stations.
Turf Grass Videos—A Lawn to Dye For
Title: Turf Grass Videos–A Lawn to Dye For URL: https://ext.vt.edu/lawn-garden/turfandgardentips/pete-dye/index.html Detail: Pete Dye of The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Virginia Cooperative Extension have produced a series of ten videos on lawn care tips titled “A lawn to Dye for.” Homeowners will learn how to test soil, select grasses, water, mow, fight lawn… Continue reading Turf Grass Videos—A Lawn to Dye For
UCONN Greenhouse IPM Program
Title: UCONN Greenhouse IPM Program URL: http://www.ipm.uconn.edu/pa_greenhouse/ Detail: This is a terrific site for those who have greenhouses. It includes diseases, insects and general IPM. A very educational site.
US Department Of Agriculture
Title: US Department Of Agriculture URL: https://www.usda.gov/ Detail: Something for everybody here. From the patio gardener to the nation’s farmer. Easy to navigate.